
Mastering the Art of Manuka Honey Storage

Delving into the longevity and optimal conditions for preserving your Manuka honey, here are the guidelines to ensure you make the most of its benefits:

Preferred Storage at Room Temperature
. Keep it in the pantry, not the fridge, for the best preservation.

Beware of Cold Temperatures
. Crystallization may occur in honey when exposed to cold temperatures, returning it to its natural state.

Caution with Warm Temperatures
. Similarly, warm temperatures can revert honey to its natural liquid state.

Our commitment to 100% natural honey means that whether it turns hard or remains liquid, both states are natural and perfectly edible. Due to our direct collection from nature, variations in color, thickness, and texture are inherent, reflecting the uniqueness and ever-changing nature of the environment—from batch to batch, region to region, and year to year. Nature’s diversity is what makes each jar a unique experience.